Prof. Badran Al-Omar
 أ.د. بدران

President's Message

Welcome to King Saud University (KSU), the leading, knowledge-sharing university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). KSU focuses on the highest quality of education, research and entrepreneurship in order to prepare graduates for a brighter future. This is being accomplished through the development of their skills and talent, as well as the cultivation of students' enthusiasm for life-long learning, which will help them in their path to becoming future leaders of the Kingdom and invaluable agents of knowledge.

KSU aims to disseminate and promote knowledge in Saudi Arabia, widening its base of scientific and literary expertise, maintaining a competitive edge with other nations in the fields of Arts and Sciences, and contributing to discovery and invention. In addition, King Saud University strives to contribute to the revival of academic and scientific excellence of Islamic civilization and the articulation of its benefits and glories.

I believe that KSA has never needed KSU as much as it does now. Universities are no longer confined to simply generating educated and capable professionals. The proper role of universities in the 21st century is as an agent of knowledge, which includes concepts of knowledge acquisition, creation and transfer, as well as fostering a strong culture of innovation. These are the four essential pillars of developing and sustaining the knowledge-based, innovation-led economy of nations. Hence, KSU is committed to becoming a breeding ground for innovation and creativity, which shall be done by focusing on a qualitative education system, building the creative and innovative capabilities of KSU through concrete and persuasive policies, and proven practices for students, scholars and faculty.

I can say with certainty that at KSU, you will find the opportunities needed to learn, innovate and create. Indeed, King Saud University is an institution with outstanding diversity of students and faculty.

Finally, I am pleased to invite you to join us and discover for yourself the power of KSU’s educational experience.


To be a world class university and a leader in building the knowledge society.


To provide distinctive education, produce creative research, serve society and contribute in building the knowledge economy and community through learning, creative thinking environment, the optimal use of technology and effective international partnership.


Based on our Islamic and cultural values, we uphold:

  1. Quality and excellence: We measure ourselves according to challenging criteria, honoring high ambitions and the pursuit of distinctiveness through our commitment to the highest intellectual standards in teaching, learning, and innovation.

  2. Leadership and teamwork: We remain committed to promoting individual and institutional leadership roles that drive social development upholding professionalism, responsibility, and innovation.

  3. Freedom of inquiry: Rigorous and honest intellectual exploration is fundamental to our academic traditions, and it is reflected in all the dimensions of our scholarly activities.

  4. Fairness and integrity: We abide by the principles of social justice, equal opportunity, and cultural diversity, consequently holding the members of our community to the highest standards of honesty, respect, and professional ethics.

  5. Transparency and accountability: We remain committed to exposing our thinking and ideas for society and scholars to judge our contributions to global knowledge, and we hold accountable everybody in our community for respecting and upholding our values in all forms of their scholarly activities.

  6. Lifelong learning: We are committed to lifelong learning inside and outside the KSU community, enhancing continued intellectual growth and the welfare of society.

Strategic Objectives

Strategic Objective #1 – Good everywhere; Great in focus areas.

Strengthen our comprehensive university with academic areas of research and teaching excellence.


Strategic Objective #2 – Distinctive faculty.

Attract and develop distinctive faculty.


Strategic Objective #3 – Less is more.

Reduce KSU’s student volume, increase the share of graduate students and raise entry requirements.


Strategic Objective #4 – Stronger graduates.

Enable KSU students to learn hard and soft skills throughout their academic life.


Strategic Objective #5 – Building bridges.

Build bridges among KSU constituencies and externally with local and international groups.


Strategic Objective #6 – Supportive learning environment.

Create an engaging environment at KSU for faculty, students, and staff.


Strategic Objective #7 – Sustainable future.

Build KSU’s endowment and diversity sources of funding.


Strategic Objective #8 – Flexibility and Accountability.

Create a performance contract between KSU and the government.


Strategic Objective #9 – Organizing for purpose.

Establishing an organization and governance that supports KSU’s goals.

Healthcare Facilities

المنشآت الطبية

In addition to scholarship and research, King Saud University provides health and social services to the entire Saudi community, as extending and expanding such services are an essential component of KSU’s comprehensive development plans.

Free health services, vital to any society, are offered by King Khalid University Hospital (KKUH), which possesses highly qualified consultants, carefully chosen physicians, and the finest nursing staff and general personnel possible. KKUH possesses the most current technological equipment, and annually serves the needs of a host of ambitious students at the College of Medicine. Inpatients and outpatients receive hospital services 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital (KAUH) is a highly recognized, fully staffed, and eminently-equipped health institution, comprising a highly qualified and experienced faculty of consultants, physicians, nursing staff, and personnel; KAUH has been serving the public for over 40 years. Having served more than two million patients, KAUH and KKUH boast highly skilled specialists and internationally acclaimed specialists who offer services of the highest quality and expertise and provide the Saudi community with a local alternative to treatment abroad.

University Endowment

أوقاف الجامعة

Throughout history, endowment played a central role in supporting the educational process. This is especially true in the case of Islamic civilization where huge endowments were dedicated to supporting educational causes. Elite historical Muslim universities throughout the bright centuries of Islamic civilization flourished and sustained their momentum and influence due to educational endowments to buildings and facilities, students, books, and other educational services and causes.

Such a fundamental role for endowment has also prevailed in western universities where endowments are utilized to support education and research activities. In fact, endowments grew to become one of the main sources to finance elite western universities like Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, and many others.

However, In the modern Middle East, it is clear notice that endowment contribution to education is very poor. This is in spite of the fact that we can still find some endowments that are as old as the dawn of Islam. This calls for an immediate genuine effort to establish model endowments dedicated to education causes.

As the leading university in the region, and in response to the aspiration of Saudi Arabia leadership to bridge this gap, King Saud University has embarked on an ambitious endowment project under the title "University Endowment Program", with strong support and guidance from HRH Prince Salman bin Abdulaziz, the Governor of Riyadh, who honored the project by assuming the role of Chairman of the Supreme Committee for University Endowment. The goals we aspire for include founding a successful role model for an educational endowment that contributes to the university's mission of establishing a strong educational and cultural environment and leading higher education in the country to new frontiers of excellence and distinction.

This massive project is launched today to enhance the financial ability of KSU and enable the realization of its vision to lead in research and community service with stable financing of its programs and initiatives.

The endowment program will support research activities and initiatives to improve the educational and research process and will extend support to university hospitals and health care services and medical research. The support of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE), KSU leadership, and noble donors from the business community and KSU alumni will be the basis for this program.

King Saud University's vision rests on a constructive partnership to establish a knowledge-based society and draws its strength from the strong support of our leadership, our alumni and friends, and the noble businessmen of this land; in addition to the zeal and relentless endeavors of university management. All these factors will contribute to the realization of our ambitions to create, disseminate and utilize knowledge for the prosperity of our society.

Last Update: 19/02/2023 9:34am